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Randomized Gear

Playing with this flag will shuffle gear effects. The tier of the item is taken into account.

When gear is randomized, all special effects (such as the gear granting the Shield status to its user or a boost of Magic+2) are removed, then the randomizer rolls a new effect (which might be nothing, as many pieces of equipment don't have boosts or buffs) for each piece of gear.

Items that have been randomized will have their names and descriptions reflect those changes.

Randomized Boosts & Buffs

A boost is defined as a bonus effect on an item that increases one of a character's stats. For example: Speed +1 is a boost, as is Magic Defense +10.

A buff is defined as a positive status effect given by an item to its wearer. For example, Haste or the Shield effect are buffs.


Weapons (Low)
Iron Blade, Steelsaber; Iron Bow, Lode Bow; Dart Gun, Auto Gun; Hammer Arm, Mirage Hand; Iron Sword
Possible Boosts
80% chance
No Boost
19% chance
One of: Magic+2, Power+2, Hit+2, Stamina+2
1% chance

Exceptions to Gear Rando

The following armor pieces do NOT have their effects randomized:

Item Defense Effect Can Equip Tier +/-
White Vest 45 Absorbs 50% Lightning Dmg

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Blue Vest 45 Absorbs 50% Water Dmg

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Red Vest 45 Absorbs 50% Fire Dmg

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Black Vest 45 Absorbs 50% Shadow Dmg

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

White Mail 70 Absorbs Lightning

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Blue Mail 70 Absorbs Water

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Red Mail 70 Absorbs Fire

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Black Mail 70 Absorbs Shadow

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Sight Cap 30 Prevents Chaos

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Memory Cap 30 Prevents Lock

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Time Hat 30 Prevents Slow/Stop

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

Vigil Hat 36 Status Immunity

Crono Marle Lucca Frog Robo Ayla Magus

flags/gear_rando.1664915171.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/12 00:24 (external edit)