Table of Contents


There are a variety of flags available in Jets of Time. These configure the behavior of the randomizer. Usually, several are combined together into categories (aka flagsets or presets). This page describes the individual flags, while the categories page describes the most commonly used standard presets.



Duplicate Chars

Boss Rando

Quality of Life



The Extra flags change up game play in interesting ways that don't quite fit with the other flag categories. Some of these bring back changes from older versions of the randomizer, and some are just a bit esoteric. New flags that have yet to be sufficiently tested might appear here as well.


When setting the numbers for a Mystery Seed, enter values between 0-100 to set the probability of that option being chosen. These are not strictly percentages, but if you make sure your numbers in a single set always add up to 100, you may use them that way if it's easier to understand. For each category of flags here (with the exception of “Flag Probabilities,” the contents of which are decided independently of one another), the probability of any flag being chosen is x/y, where x is the value entered for that flag and y is the sum of all values entered under that set of flags.


More details on the possible Objectives are on the Bucket List page.