===== 3.1.1 General ===== * **Difficulty**: Easy (''e''), Normal (''n''), Hard (''h'') - Changes the amount and quality of loot dropped from enemies and chests. Easy doesn't change enemies, but gives better treasure to the player. Normal uses default settings. Hard will downgrade the player's loot and upgrade the enemies' stats. * **[[:categories#lost_worlds|Lost Worlds]]** (''lw''): Begin with access to Prehistory, Dark Ages, and Future. You won't ever visit Middle Ages or Present. Otherwise, complete checks and finish the game as normal. * **Disable Glitches** (''g''): This removes the ability to use most glitches used in vanilla speedruns. * **[[flags:boss_scaling|Boss Scaling]]** (''b''): Bosses that block progression items are buffed. * **Early Pendant Charge** (''p''): Rather than heading to Zeal, the pendant will become charged upon finishing the Trial and being warped to 2300 A.D * **Unlocked Magic** (''m''): Characters will learn all their techs without needing to visit Spekkio at the End of Time. * **Chronosanity** (''cr''): Enable the Chronosanity [[:categories|Category]]. * **Quiet Mode** (''q''): No Music. * **[[flags:boss_randomization|Randomize Bosses]]** (''ro''): Shuffles most bosses with slight buffs/nerfs. * **Zeal 2 As Final Boss** (''z''): Defeating Zeal 2 at the end of Black Omen will count as the win condition rather than needing to defeat Lavos. * **Locked Characters** (''c''): The characters in Dactyl Nest and Proto Dome are made harder to unlock by requiring the Dreamstone and completion of the Factory, respectively. * **Make all treasures tabs** aka **tabsanity** (''tb''): All items in chests (except [[:rocks]]) are replaced by [[:tabs|tabs]], except if Chronosanity (''cr'') is also enabled, in which case some chests will still contain [[:key_items|Key Items]]. * **[[flags:duplicate_characters|Duplicate Characters]]** (''dc''): Palette swapped version of each character may become avaliable, leading to a variety of different party composition and character builds. * **Select which characters can turn into other characters**: By default, every checkbox in this 7x7 matrix is selected, which means any character can turn into any other character (or remain themselves). Uncheck boxes to impose further restrictions on available characters. * **Duplicate Dual Techs**: Off by default. When enabled, you may use the [[:techs#duplicate_dual_techs|Duplicate Dual Techs]] if you have two of the same character in your party. * **Shop Prices**: Normal, Free (''spf''), Mostly Random (''spm''), Fully Random (''spr''). * **Normal:** [[:equipment|Item]] prices are not randomized (default). * **Free:** Every item in every shop costs only 1G. * **Fully Random**: All item prices are fully randomized. * **Mostly Random**: As above, but Mid Tonics, Ethers, Heals, Revives, and Shelters are exempt. * **Tech Randomizer**: Fully Random tech order (''te''), Balanced Random (''tex'') * **Normal**: Tech order is not randomized. * **Fully Random**: Tech order is completely randomized (default). * **Balanced Random**: Techs are random, but are weighted by usefulness so that more powerful techs tend to turn up later.